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Roomskills - FAQ

  • User Account

  • How do I change my password?

    The function to change the password can be found at Account > Change Password

  • How can I delete my account and data?

    The function to delete all data in Roomskills can be found at Account > Delete Account . But be careful - all data will be lost and all credentials and devices have to be set up again, if you want to use them again.

  • Prices

  • What does Roomskills cost?

    Currently there are 3 packages in Roomskills.

    • The package Free enables you to use the product Webconnect with the possibilities to set up and control Smarthome devices via Web- and Smartphone. In addition the product App-Connect can be used via Browser.
    • The package Basic costs 5€/Jahr and allows you to use the products Webconnect, App-Connect, Voiceconnect and MyMusic. Voiceconnect provides voicecontrol for Roomskills, with App-Connect you can control Roomskills via Apps. MyMusic provides the functionality to play your own music on Echo devices.
    • The package Advanced costs 10€/Jahr or 3€/3month and enables the product MyMusic Multiroom. MyMusic Multiroom provides Alexa Voice control for the Logitech Media Server Multi Room System.

  • Where can I book the packages?

    The packages can be enabled in the area Account or Shop.

  • What are the payment options?

    Currently there are 2 payment options

    • bank transfer


    • AmazonPay

  • Can I get a receipt?

    During the purchasing process a pdf receipt is generated and send to you via email. After the purchase the receips of the previous purchases can be downloaded in the area Account.

  • Security

  • I should open a port on my router for example for MyMusic, is it safe to do this?

    The access to the port is necessary to let the plugin on the music server know, that there is a new request waiting at Roomskills. The only information trnsfered via this port is the information about the request. The actual request and answer exchange between the music server and Roomskills happens via a separate secure connection. So we think there is no reason, not to open the port.

  • How is my data stored? Is it safe?

    All Smarthome access data is stored encrypted.

  • Are my data stored under EU laws?

    The Roomskills data server and all data are stored in european data centers. But the functionality is available from Amazon Alexa as well, and where the data of Amazon is stored is out of the control of Roomskills.


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